About BACS

The BACS Council and the BACS Constitution

BACS is a registered charity and is governed by the BACS Council in accordance with the rules and procedures set out in the BACS Constitution.

The BACS Council consists of the President, the immediate Past-President or the President-Elect, the Treasurer, the Secretary, elected and co-opted Councillors, the Editor and Reviews Editor of the British Journal of Canadian Studies, and a postgraduate representative.

The day-to-day running of BACS is in the hands of the BACS officers who sit on the Finance and General Purposes Committee, also known as the BACS Executive. The current officers are:

President – Dr Tony McCulloch, University College London

President Past – Dr James Kennedy, University of Edinburgh

Treasurer – Dr Gareth Davis, University of Swansea

Co-Secretary – Dr Ellie Bird, Lancaster University

Co-Secretary – Dr Jane Lovell, Canterbury Christ Church University

A full list of the BACS Council can be viewed on the Membership page.

English (UK)